
Donate Online

We appreciate your decision to donate online to Tithle.

Privacy Policy

Important Information for Donors

Tithle Incorporated is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your generous donations help Tithle Inc. achieve our mission and make a positive impact on the community.

Tax Information

Donations of $50 or more are eligible to receive an official tax acknowledgment letter from us. This letter can be used for tax deduction purposes. Please ensure that you provide accurate contact information during the donation process, so we can send you this important documentation.

Disclaimer on Future Earnings

All donations to Tithle Inc. are treated as investments in our charitable causes and carry inherent risks, including the potential to lose value. However, please note that these donations do not represent a financial investment and do not entitle donors to any future earnings or profits derived from the activities of the organization. Donations are purely philanthropic contributions aimed at supporting our mission. Tithle Inc. does not guarantee specific outcomes of its projects or initiatives. Donors should be aware that their donations may not yield results directly in line with our projections or past performance. Past performance of our initiatives is no guarantee of future results.

Donation Policy

Once a donation is made, it is final and non-refundable. Donors relinquish any claims to how donations are allocated or used by Tithle Inc. once the transaction has been completed. Your contribution will be utilized to further our mission in the best way possible as determined by our organization's needs and priorities.